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This page provides information about the V-Ray Dome Light in Cinema 4D.



The Dome light shines inward at the scene as if from a spherical or hemispherical light source outside the scene extents. This light is frequently used for Image-Based lighting using panoramic HDR images used as environments.



UI Path: ||V-Ray|| > V-Ray Lights > Dome Light



Enabled – Turns the LightDome on and off.

Color – Specifies the color of the light rays and of the light source itself when visible in renderings.

Intensity – Multiplier for the light color.

Dome Spherical – When enabled (the default), the dome light covers the entire sphere around the scene. When disabled, the light covers a hemisphere only.

Dome Adaptive – Speeds up the rendering by optimizing the sampling algorithm for the dome light. No light portals are needed with this setup. Light Cache must be set as the GI engine for this feature.




Use Texture – When enabled, the light uses a texture for the LightDome surface.

Dome Tex – Specifies an environment texture for the LightDome object.




Invisible – Controls whether the shape of the light source is visible in the resulting render. When disabled, the source light is rendered in the current light color, otherwise, the light source itself is not visible in the scene.

The Invisible attribute only affects the visibility of the light when seen directly by the camera or through refractions. The visibility of the light with respect to reflections is controlled by the Affect Specular and Affect Reflections options.

Affect DiffuseDetermines whether the light is affecting the diffuse properties of the materials. With this option off, there is no diffuse contribution from the light.

Affect SpecularDetermines whether the light is affecting the specular of the materials (i.e. glossy reflections). With this option off, there is no specular contribution from the light.

Affect ReflectionsDetermines whether the light appears in reflections of materials, for both perfect and glossy reflections.

Affect AlphaDetermines whether or not the Dome Light is visible in the Alpha channel of the render. When enabled, you have a white alpha where the background is visible. When disabled, you have black alpha where the background is visible.

Diffuse ContributionA multiplier for the effect of the light's diffuse contribution on a surface.

Specular ContributionA multiplier for the effect of the light on the specular of the surface.

Cut-off Threshold –  Specifies a threshold for the light intensity, below which the light is not computed. This can be useful in scenes with many lights, where you want to limit the effect of the lights to some distance around them. Larger values cut away more from the light; lower values make the light range larger. If you specify a value of 0.0, the light is calculated for all surfaces.

Texture Resolution – Specifies the resolution at which the texture is resampled for importance sampling.





Shadows – Enables or disables the tracing of shadows.

Shadow Bias – Moves the shadow toward or away from the shadow-casting object (or objects). Higher values move the shadow toward the object(s) while lower values move it away. If this value is too extreme, shadows can "leak" through places they shouldn't or "detach" from an object. Other effects from extreme values include Moire patterns, out-of-place dark areas on surfaces, and shadows not appearing at all in the rendering.

Shadow Color – A multiplier for the shadows color. 



Photon Emission

Photon Target Radius –  Defines a sphere around the light icon where photons are being shot when photon-mapped caustics or the global photon map are used.

Emit Distance – Defines a sphere around the light icon from which photons are being shot towards the target radius area.

Caustics Subdivs – Used by V-Ray when calculating  Caustics. Lower values mean more noisy results, but faster render. Higher values produce smoother results but take more time to render. 

Caustics Mutiplier – A multiplier for the generated caustics by the selected object. Note that this multiplier is cumulative - it does not override the multiplier in the Caustics render section.




Project is used to create a list of objects that can be excluded (or included) from the light's effects such as illumination or shadow casting.

Mode – Specifies whether the objects in the list are considered included or excluded from the light's effects.

Objects – Creates a list of objects to be excluded or included.




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