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The Multi Matte ID Render Element isolates objects with specific Multi Matte IDs for compositing purposes.


The Multi Matte ID Render Element provides a mask for individual objects and/or materials based on the Multi Matte IDs.

The Multi Matte ID Render Element contains no shading information at all; it only contains blocks of color that correspond to each Multi Matte ID. It uses the Multi Matte ID option available in the materials' properties.

UI Path: ||V-Ray|| > Render Elements > Multi Matte ID

How to add a render element to a scene


Enable Deep Output – Specifies whether to include this render element in deep images.


Multimatte ID Render Element Set up

Here's the workflow for setting up and using the Multi Matte ID Render Element:

Select the material and go to the Options tab. Enable Material Id and set the Multimatte ID to the required value.

Note: each number corresponds to a different color.


 Open the V-Ray menu and select the Render Elements. Add the Multi Matte ID render element to the scene.


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