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This page provides information on V-Ray Attributes that can be added to standard Maya light objects.


The V-Ray Additional Light Attributes can be added to every Maya standard Light by selecting its shape node and selecting Light attributes from the Attributes > V-Ray menu. This adds several attributes to that light which allow you to control V-Ray-specific options for the light.

UI Path: ||Select light|| > Attribute EditorAttributes menu > VRay > Light attributes


Light Attributes

Caustic subdivs – Controls the amount of photons that V-Ray traces to estimate caustics. Large numbers slow down the calculation of the caustics photon map and may take more memory.

Caustics Multiplier – A multiplier for the caustics generated by this light. Note that this multiplier is cumulative - it does not override the multiplier in the Caustics render rollout section.

Shadow bias – Moves the shadow toward or away from the shadow-casting object (or objects). If the value is too low, shadows can "leak" through places they shouldn't, produce moire patterns or make out-of-place dark areas on meshes. If the Shadow bias is too high, shadows can "detach" from an object. If the value is too extreme in either direction, shadows might not be rendered at all.

Diffuse contribution – A multiplier for the effect of the light on the diffuse.

Specular contribution – A multiplier for the effect of the light on the specular.

Override motion blur samples – Allows the user to override the default number of samples that are used to sample the current light for motion blur.

Motion blur samples – When Override motion blur samples is enabled, this value is used when sampling the motion blur created by the current light.

 Add to node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup "ambientLightShape1" "vray_light" 1;
vray addAttributesFromGroup "directionalLightShape1" "vray_directlight" 1;
vray addAttributesFromGroup "pointLightShape1" "vray_pointLight" 1; 
vray addAttributesFromGroup "areaLightShape1" "vray_arealight" 1;  



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