VRayEdgesTex Overview

VRayEdgesTex is a very simple texture map that allows you to show the edges of a given polygonal mesh. Since it's a texture, is allows you to create some interesting effects that are not possible with the standard materials. The texture can also be used as a bump map to produce a "round corners" effect for mesh objects.

VRay EdgesTex

Edges Color - the color of the edges

Background Color - the color for the rest of the mesh 

Show hidden edges - when checked, this will render all edges of the object. Otherwise, only edges marked as "visible" will be rendered. 

Width type - allows you to choose the units in which the thickness of the edges is measured 

  • World units - the thickness of the edges in world (scene) units.
  • Pixels - the thickness of the edges in pixels. When the texture is used as a bump map, this parameter is ignored; instead, only the World units are considered.


  • For objects displaced with V-Ray displacement, the VRayEdgesTex map shows the edges of the original faces, not the edges of the resulting sub-triangles:
  • VRayEdgesTex will not work well when used as a bump map on displaced objects;
  • VRayEdgesTex cannot simulate outlines on the objects; you can use VRayToon to add outlines.
  • When used as a bump map in glossy materials with Blinn or Ward BRDF, VRayEdgesTex may lead to dark edges; to avoid this, use the Phong BRDF instead:

Blinn BRDF


Phong BRDF

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