© Bertrand Benoit

Table of Contents

This page provides information on the Masks Render Elements in V-Ray for Unreal.


A number of matte render elements serve as masking or blocking certain parts of the render in the post-production process.

Render ID

The Render ID Render Element creates selection masks based on the node handle of each object or the V-Ray assigned render ID.

Active – Enables the render of the channel.

Denoise – Enables the render element's denoising, provided the Denoiser render element is present.

Consider for AA – By default, the Image sampler applies AA based on the RGB image. When this option is enabled, the Render Element is considered for AA.

Filtering – When enabled, it applies the antialiasing filter to the render element.

Color Mapping – Applies the default color mapping options to this render element (Reinhard). 

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