Table of Contents

The Areas tab is part of the Chaos Scatter properties.


Spline includes – A list of splines, where the instances are allowed to be scattered.

Spline excludes – A list of splines, where the instances are not allowed to be scattered. See the example for a visual representation.

Additional Spline include/exclude options. These options are visible when an object is added to the list.

Near/Far – Falloff distance from the selected spline projected to the selected axis plane. Up to this distance all instances get included or excluded, depending on the type of the list. Scale and density of instances between the Near and Far falloffs change linearly - from 1.0 to 0.0 in the case of inclusion and contrariwise in the case of exclusion.
Scale – Scale multiplier affecting instances between the Near and Far .
Density – The density factor, affecting instances between the Near and Far.
Axis – Determines which axis to project the spline include/exclude areas.

Example: Spline includes/excludes

See the scattered instances when the Circle spline is added to the Spline includes list and to the Spline excludes list.

Includes Before image
Excludes After image

See Previous:

Transformations Tab

See Next:

Viewport Display Tab

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