Table of Contents

The Config tab is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.


Max limit – Limits the maximum number of scattered instances. Note that there is always another mode-dependent parameter (spacing, density, or count) that determines how many instances to scatter. This parameter is intended as a constant value "safety measure" to prevent crashes/freezes from scattering too many instances, e.g., when setting the density too high.

Random seed – Generates a random value based on the given number to determine the particular random distribution used. Changing the value makes random permutations of the scattered objects.

Scattering mode – Allows selecting between different scattering modes. See the Scattering mode example for a visual representation.

1D - On splines – Scatters instances along splines. Works with both open and closed splines.
2D - On surfaces – Scatters instances on the surface of the selected objects. Works with closed splines too, treating the spline area as the surface to scatter on.
3D - In bounding box – Scatters instances inside the bounding boxes of the selected objects.

Avoid Collisions – When enabled, the instances that collide with other ones are discarded, resulting in no overlaps between instances. Note that when using this feature, the real number of created instances may be lower than the number specified in the settings.

Spacing – This value is a multiplier for enlarging/shrinking the bounding boxes used to detect and remove collisions of the scattered objects. Use lower values to achieve a higher density of the scattered objects at the cost of some minor collisions. Use higher values to keep scattered objects farther apart from each other.

Example: Scattering mode

Scattering mode = 1D - on splines

Scattering mode = 2D - On surfaces

Scattering mode = 3D - In bounding box

See Previous:

Object Tab

See Next:

Camera Clipping Tab

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