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This page provides information on the Antialiasing rollout in the Common Tab of the VRayRenderer node.






In V-Ray, an image sampler refers to an algorithm for calculating a pixel's color based on the colors within and around it.

Each pixel in a rendering can have only one color. To get the color of a pixel, V-Ray calculates it based on the object's material, direct light striking the object, and indirect lighting in the scene. But within a single pixel there might be multiple colors, which may come from multiple objects whose edge intersect at the same pixel, or even difference in brightness on the same object due to changes in object shape or falloff and/or shadowing of light sources.

To determine the right color for such a pixel, V-Ray looks at (or samples) colors from different parts of the pixel itself as well as the pixels around it. This process is called image sampling.For more information on how antialiasing works in V-Ray, see the Antialiasing in V-Ray page.



Image courtesy of Tuna Unalan

Multiple colors within a single pixel. What color should the pixel be? 



UI Path: ||Select VRayRenderer|| > Properties Panel > Common tab > Antialiasing rollout




Min shading rate – Controls the number of rays shot for Antialiasing versus rays for other effects like glossy reflections, GI, area shadows etc. Higher values mean that less time will be spent on Antialiasing, and more effort will be put in the sampling of shading effects.





Example: Anti-aliasing Filters


Here is an example briefly demonstrating the effect of different anti-aliasing filters on the final result.

Note that rendering with a particular filter is not the same as rendering without a filter and then blurring the image in a post-processing program like Adobe Photoshop. Filters are applied on a sub-pixel level, over the individual sub-pixel samples. Therefore, applying the filter at render time produces a much more accurate and subtle result than applying it as a post effect. The zoomed in images below have been zoomed in and cropped 300%.



Image Zoomed-in Image Comments

Filtering is off.

Applies an internal 1x1 pixel box filter.
Lanczos filter
size 2.0


Triangle Filter
size 2.5


Sinc Filter
size 2.5


Box Filter
size 2.5

Area filter
size 2.5

Slightly blurs the image, visually more pleasing than the box filter.

Edge-enhancing filter, often used for architectural visualizations. Note that edge enhancing can produce "moire" effects on detailed geometry.
Cook Variable
size 2.5


size 2.5

Gaussian blur.





Example: Anti-aliasing Filters and Moire Effects
