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This page provides information on the V-Ray Simple Mix Texture Component in V-Ray for Grasshopper. 


V-Ray Simple Mix allows a texture to be blended with a color.

Input Parameters

Color (Color) Specifies the color for the left hand side blending component.

V Tex(AColorTex) Specifies a V-Ray texture for the right hand side blending component. Specify the V-Ray texture input by connecting a V-Ray Bitmap, V-Ray Gradient or another Simple Mix component or by right clicking on the Texture Multiplier parameter and setting a Color, Number, Path or AColor.

TexMult (Number) – Specifies the amount of blending between the texture and the color.

ResMult (Number) Specifies a value to multiple the blending result.

Invert (Boolean) Inverts the resulting colors.

Output Parameters

V Tex (Generic Data) - V-Ray texture that can be connected to a V-Ray material component.


Texture Multiplier = 1

Texture Multiplier = 0.7

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