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This page provides information about the Material Simple in V-Ray for Grasshopper.


The V-Ray Material Simple allows for quick material setup using a core set of parameters. It can be used for creating basic paint, plastic, or metal shaders. Stylized transparent or self-illuminated materials can also be created. A list of inputs produces multiple materials. Right-click and select Save as VRmat to generate a .vrmat file based on the current settings.

Input Parameters

Diffuse (AColorTex) – Diffuse Color of the material.

Reflection (AColorTex) – Reflection Color of the material. Black color disables the reflections.

Glossiness (Number) – Reflection Glossiness value. A value of 1.0 means a perfect mirror-like reflection. Lower values produce blurry reflections.

IOR (Number) – Reflection IOR value. The reflection strength of this material depends on the viewing angle of the surface. Bigger IOR values make perpendicular(to the camera ray) surfaces reflect stronger.

Opacity (Color) – Opacity Color of the material. White color makes the material 100% opaque. Darker color values make it transparent.

Emission (AColorTex) – Emission Color of the material. This parameter supports values higher than 1 (RGB 255, 255, 255). Values higher than 1 (RGB 255,255,255) can be used for the Emission color to strengthen the material's illumination.

The Diffuse, Reflection, and Emission parameters can get one of their four possible inputs (Color, Number, Texture, File Path) by connecting a component directly into the slots or by right-clicking and selecting ColourSet PathSetNumber, or Manage AColorTex collection.

The Manage AColorTex collection option opens a window where you can manually enter an RGB value for color. Alpha is enabled by default, but if you need to disable it, enter a fourth value of 0. You can also select a file path in the FileName option.
The SetNumber option can be used to correctly set opacity values.

Output Parameters

Material (Generic Data) – V-Ray material output that can be connected to V-Ray Geometries. 

This component can output multiple instances.

It is not currently possible to assign different material instances to geometry generated through the V-Ray Instancer component.

Right-click on the component to see more options.

Example: Workflow

V-Ray Material Simple.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

V-Ray Material Simple, render result in VFB.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Example: Emission with value higher than 1

Emission color can have an RGB value higher than 1 (255, 255, 255) to strengthen the color bleeding.

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