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This page contains information about the V-Ray AovBind node.


The V-Ray AOV Bind VOP node is used to export a V-Ray Extra Texture element based on the attached input. The input texture is applied over the geometry associated with the material holding the AOV bind.

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  1. Create a box and a sphere in |obj| network.
  2. Assign 2 separate materials to them.
  3. Assign 2 separate textures to the diffuse color of those materials.
  4. Create an AOV Bind VOP for each of those 2 textures.
  5. Plug the textures into the AOV Bind input socket.
  6. Set the Name parameter for both AOV Bind nodes to diffuseMap_box and diffuseMap_sphere.
  7. Go to the V-Ray Renderer ROP → Images tab → AOV Binds → click the +
  8. Set the Name 1 parameter to diffuseMap_box → this will query every AOV Bind VOP in the scene that shares the same Name and put their inputs into a single Extra Texture render element.
  9. Do the same for the diffuseMap_sphere.
  10. Render.

There are alternative workflows:

You could use the Material Output VOP node’s AOV tab → AOVs and plug the texture there. This will automatically generate the AOV with the given Name1.

You could use an Extra Texture render element with the Referenced Shader VOP to bring in the node that you would have otherwise put into the AOV Bind’s input socket.


Name – Specifies the AOV name.