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This page provides information on the Color management rollout under the V-Ray GPU Settings tab.


The Color Management rollout allows you to switch between sRGB and ACEScg workflow. The ACEScg is a linear color working space that specifies a wider gamut of colors than the sRGB linear gamut. It allows for a greater range of colors transformations in post as its gamut envelopes not only sRGB, but also P3, Rec709, and Rec2020. Archived assets in ACEScg do not need to be remastered in case the displays standards are improved in future.

UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > Settings tab > Color management rollout (Renderer set to V-Ray GPU)


Rendering RGB primaries – Selects a display color space for the rendered image. It is saved as metadata to the vrimg history files and applied in VFB2 when the Display correction of the frame buffer is set to its default sRGB mode.

sRGB – Image is rendered in sRGB color space. This is the color space for most monitors and computer displays.
ACEScg – Image is rendered in ACEScg color space. This color space allows for greater range of color transformations in post. It has a wider gamut of colors than the sRGB linear gamut and should be encoded into a 16 bit floating exr.

Auto RGB primaries for VRayBitmap texturesWhen enabled, automatically sets RGB primaries for the VRayBitmap texture.

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