Table of Contents


The scripts listed in this page are often used by Chaos Support team while working with users' scenes. They can be used as a reference point for automating one's daily work.

Here we answer questions such as:

  • How to automate the rendering of multiple *.vrscene files?
  • How to write scripts to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks?

Automatically Render All *.vrscene Files in a Specific Directory

-imgfile="%%a.jpg" attribute overrides the output file name and format. Use this parameter only if output is not specified in *.vrscene files.

Batch Script
echo off
FOR %%I in (*.vrscene) DO (
    FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=. " %%a in ("%%I") DO (
        "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Standalone for x64\bin\vray.exe" -scenefile="%%I" -autoclose=1 -imgfile="%%a.jpg"

Change the Mode of All VRayLightSelect Render Elements to Direct Diffuse

manager = maxOps.getCurRenderElementMgr()
numElements = manager.numrenderelements()
for n = 0 to (numElements-1) do 
    element = manager.getRenderElement n
    if classof element == VRayLightSelect then 
        element.mode = 2

Select All VRayProxy Objects Sharing the Same *.vrmesh File as the Selected Proxy

if classof($) == VRayProxy then
    searchFileName = $.fileName
    print "Not a VRayProxy"
    deselect $
for each in Objects do
    if classof(each) == VRayProxy and each.fileName == searchFileName then
        selectmore each
searchFileName = null

Turn off Unlocked Highlight Glossiness of All VRayMtl Nodes in the Scene

for each in SceneMaterials where
classof each == VRayMtl do
each.reflection_lockGlossiness = true

Export All Objects in 3ds Max Selection Set to *.vrmesh Files

Works with wildcards *

Replace "OUTPUT_FOLDER" with the path where the the *.vrmesh files will be exported. For example "C:\proxy-library\"

rollout ProxyExport "Proxy Export" width:300
    label label1 "Enter Selection Set Name (wildcards * or partial-name):"
    edittext setQuery
    button createBtn "Create"
    on createBtn pressed do
        for i = 1 to getNumNamedSelSets() do
            if matchPattern (getNamedSelSetName i) pattern:(setQuery.text) then select selectionSets[i]
            vrayMeshExport meshFile: @"OUTPUT_FOLDER"
createDialog ProxyExport

Change the Specified V-Ray Object Properties of the Selected Objects

V-Ray Object Property names could be found in 3ds Max Object Properties > User Defined Tab. Note that the property names are written only if the V-Ray Objects Properties window has been opened at least once.

for each in Selection do
    try(setUserProp each "VRay_GI_Generate" true)catch()
    try(setUserProp each "VRay_GI_Receive" true)catch()

Find 3ds Max Hair and Fur Effect and Adjust Motion Blur Duration and Interval Type

It is important to specify the X and Y values for the Duration and respectively, for the Interval Type.

TheEffects = (for i = 1 to numEffects where classof (getEffect i) == HairEffect collect (getEffect i))
theEffects[1].mbDuration = X
theEffects[1].mbIntervalType = Y

Find and Disconnect All VRayDirt Maps

maps = getClassInstances VRayDirt asTrackViewPick:on
for map in maps do
    for ref = 1 to refs.getNumRefs map.client where refs.getReference map.client ref == map.anim do
        refs.replaceReference map.client ref undefined
        notifyDependents map.client

Reset the Self-illumination Parameters of All Assigned VRayMtl Instances to Default

This script works only with materials assigned to scene objects.

for each in sceneMaterials do 
    if classOf each == VRayMtl then 
        each.selfIllumination = color 0 0 0;
        each.selfIllumination_gi = false;
        each.selfIllumination_multiplier = 1.0;
        each.texmap_self_illumination = undefined;
        each.texmap_self_illumination_on = true;
        each.texmap_self_illumination_multiplier = 100.0;
        each.compensate_camera_exposure = false;

Work with VRayOptionRE

Add VRayOptionRE, set metadata, enable render elements if disabled, set the Raw image output and initiate a render

Replace the "OUTPUT_PATH\OUTPUT_FILE.exr" value to the location and filename where you want to save the output file.

re_manager = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr() 
metadata = "MyMetaData=True" 
current_element = VRayOptionRE() 
current_element.elementName = "file_metadata" 
current_element.exr_metadata = metadata 
if re_manager.GetElementsActive() == false then re_manager.SetElementsActive(true) 
renderers.current.output_saveRawFile = True 
renderers.current.output_rawFileName = @"OUTPUT_PATH\OUTPUT_FILE.exr" 
render vfb:False

Export Selected Objects and Their Materials to *.vrmesh and *.mat Files

*.vrmesh and *.mat filenames are taken from object-name.

function ExportProxyAndMatLib =
    filesSavePath = getSavePath()
    for eachObject in selection do
            local matLib = MaterialLibrary()
            append matLib eachObject.material
            saveTempMaterialLibrary matLib (filesSavePath + "\\" + + ".mat")
            vraymeshexport meshfile:(filesSavePath + "\\" + + ".vrmesh") 

Select and Delete the Currently Active Camera

cam = getActiveCamera()
select cam
delete cam

Replace VRayFastSSS2 Nodes with Default VRayMtl Keeping the Outgoing Connections

for each in (getclassinstances VRayFastSSS2) do
	replaceinstances each (VrayMtl())

Select All Objects with Specific Value of a Specific Custom User Property

Custom properties are defined from 3ds Max Objects Properties > User Defined rollout.

for each in objects where (getuserprop each "my_property" == 2) do
        selectmore each

Turn Selected Object into VRayClipper in Mesh Mode with Replace Mesh on Pick Option Enabled

clipMesh = $
clipper = VRayClipper()
clipper.enable_mesh_mode = True
clipper.mesh_replaceOnPick = True
clipper.mesh_source = clipMesh
clipper.pos = clipMesh.pos
clipper.parent = clipMesh
clipMesh.renderable = false
hide clipMesh

Export Each Camera to Separate *.vrscene File in Specified Folder

If the camera is animated (position only), the *.vrscene will be exported with animation from the first to the last keyframe. The script also sets a separate image output sub-folder for each animated camera.

fn ExportCamerasToVRScenes =
  savePath = getSavePath()
  for eachCam in Cameras where classof eachCam != Targetobject do 
    if savePath == undefined then continue
    renderers.current.output_saveRawFile = true
    renderers.current.output_rawFileName = savePath + "\Output\\" + + ".exr"
    viewport.SetCamera eachCam
    exportLocation = savePath + "\\" +
    if eachCam.pos.isAnimated then 
      renderers.current.output_rawFileName = savePath + "\Output\\" + + "_Sequence\\" + + ".exr"
      animRange = getTimeRange eachCam.position.controller #allKeys #children
      animRangeStartFrame = (integer)animRange.Start
      animRangeEndFrame = (integer)animRange.End
      vrayExportVRScene exportLocation startFrame:animRangeStartFrame endFrame:animRangeEndFrame
      vrayExportVRScene exportLocation

Clean up Leftover Animation Layers and MotionClips Controllers 

The benefit of this cleanup is that the scene will save and load faster and the file size will be smaller.

deleteTrackViewController t n.controller
deleteTrackViewController t n.controller

Apply Existing Material to Selection

Non-assigned materials are not listed. Only the ones assigned to geometry are.

try(destroyDialog AssingExistingMat)catch()
rollout AssingExistingMat "Assign Existing Material"
    listbox matListUI "Material List"
    fn PopulateList = 
        for each in sceneMaterials do 
            appendString = + " (" + (classof(each)as string) + ")"
            matListUI.items = append matListUI.items appendString
    on matListUI doubleClicked itm do
            $.material = SceneMaterials[itm]
            destroyDialog AssingExistingMat
    on AssingExistingMat open do 
        try (PopulateList())catch()
createDialog AssingExistingMat

Print All Property-Value Pairs of the Selected Object’s Material

for p in getPropNames $.material do
format "% = %\n" p (getProperty $.material p)

Toggle Selected Physical/V-Ray Camera’s Cone On or Off

for p in getPropNames $.material do
format "% = %\n" p (getProperty $.material p)

Custom V-Ray Raw Image Save File Dialog

try(destroyDialog saveRollout)catch()
rollout setRawFile "Save Raw file"
    edittext pathText
    button browseButton "Browse"
    checkbox useHalf "EXR/VRST 32-bit output"
    checkbox useDeep "Deep EXR"
    checkbox useDots "Dot-deliminated frame number"
    checkbox useCorr "Save VFB color corrections to RGB channel"
    on setRawFile open do 
        useHalf.checked = not renderers.current.output_rawExrUseHalf
        useDeep.checked = renderers.current.output_rawExrDeep
        useDots.checked = renderers.current.fileName_addDot
        useCorr.checked = renderers.current.output_rawSaveColorCorrections
        pathText.Text = renderers.current.output_rawFileName
    on useHalf changed current_state do renderers.current.output_rawExrUseHalf = not current_state
    on useDeep changed current_state do renderers.current.output_rawExrDeep = current_state
    on useDots changed current_state do renderers.current.fileName_addDot = current_state
    on useCorr changed current_state do renderers.current.output_rawSaveColorCorrections = current_state
    on browseButton pressed do
        renderers.current.output_rawFileName = getSaveFileName types:"V-Ray image files(*.vrimg)|*.vrimg|OpenEXR image files(*.exr)|*.exr|V-Ray deep image files(*.vrst)|*.vrst|"
        pathText.Text = renderers.current.output_rawFileName
CreateDialog setRawFile 500 150

Render Custom Frame Range and Output to File Only the effectsResult Channel

The frame range is controlled by the startFrame and endFrame variables. The Output location is controlled by outputImg variable.

fn SaveEffectsResultOnly =
    startFrame = 0
    endFrame = 50
    for i = startFrame to endFrame do
        slidertime = i
        max quick render
        outputImg = @"D:\" + i as string + ".exr" 
        vfbControl #setchannel (vfbControl #getchannel effectsresult)[1]
        vfbControl #saveimage outputImg

Replace Part of or the Whole Filename String of All VRayBitmap Nodes in the Scene

Enter the string you would like to replace in “STRING_TO_REPLACE” and the replacing string should be added to “STRING_TO_REPLACE_WITH”.

fn ReplaceVRayHDRIFilePath = 
    replaceThis = @"STRING_TO_REPLACE"
    withThis = @"STRING_TO_REPLACE_WITH"
    for each in (getclassinstances vrayhdri)  do 
            each.hdrimapname = substitutestring each.hdrimapname replaceThis withThis
try (ReplaceVRayHDRIFilePath())catch()

Add Path as Prefix to the Filename of the VRayBitmap Node

 Works if said path doesn’t already exist in the string.

Enter the string in the vraymatlibpath variable.

vraymatlibpath = @"D:\Test\"
for each in (getclassinstances VRayBitmap) do
if ((findstring each.hdrimapname vraymatlibpath)==undefined) then
each.hdrimapname = vraymatlibpath + each.hdrimapname