This page provides information on managing render jobs through a command line interface in Chaos Cloud rendering.



With Chaos Cloud rendering you are able to submit, queue, monitor, and organize your render jobs across projects. To manage render jobs in Chaos Cloud you can use its web-based interface or a command line interface. This page explains how to manage render jobs via а command line interface. All of the functions can be carried out manually with any command line tool, without opening a browser. To do so, you first have to navigate to the location of chaoscloud or chaoscloud.exe on your machine.

For some more examples on how to use the command-line interface of Chaos Cloud rendering, see the Common Use Cases page.

Default locations:

  • Windows %appdata%\Chaos Group\Cloud\Client\ccloud.exe
  • macOS – /Applications/ChaosGroup/Cloud\Client/cscloud
  • Linux – $HOME/.ChaosGroup/vcloud/client/ccloud.bin

Managing Jobs Through a Command Line Interface

The table below lists all available flags and commands. All commands can be run with multiple tags.

CommandFlag(s)Flag meaningFunctionExamples

auth login

Logs in to Chaos Cloud.

ccloud auth login
auth logoutLogs out of Chaos Cloud.ccloud auth logout

-h, --help,

--output (string)

--sceneFile (string)

Help for pack

Output directory

Path to a .vrscene file

Pack a V-Ray scene and all of its assets into a single directory.

The result from this operation is a directory, called 'package' which contains everything this scene needs to be rendered with V-Ray Standalone. The name of the package directory is the same as the name of the scene file.

All the resources referenced in the .vrscene file are set together into a 'resources' sub directory in the package. The .vrscene file itself is copied as well but transformed so that relative paths to these resources are used instead of the original paths, which may be absolute. This ensures the scene can then be rendered on other computers.

ccloud pack --sceneFile /drive/me/scenes/alfa-red-scene/alfa-red.vrscene --output /drive/me/store/


Prints out the EULA.

ccloud eula
job cancel--id (required)Render Job IDCancels a Chaos Cloud job.ccloud job cancel --id=X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5
job delete--id (required)Render Job IDDeletes a Chaos Cloud job.ccloud job delete --id=X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5
job download

--id (required)


--output (required)

Render Job ID

Do not display progress when downloading

Path to output folder

Downloads outputs of a Chaos Cloud job. Multiple jobs can be requested with multiple instances of the --id flag or by separating them with commas, e.g.: 'job1,job2,job3'.

ccloud job download --id=X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5 --output="C:\Users\Me\Desktop"

ccloud job download --id JobID1,JobID2,JobID3 --output "C:\Users\Me\Desktop"

job list

--format (string)

--name (string)

--project (string)

--status (string)





Sets the format of each job line. Formatting is done via 'verbs', each of which corresponds to a particular property of the job. Verbs are added in double curly braces, following a dot, e.g. '.Verb'. The supported verbs for a job are: Name, ID, Status, Project, CreatedAt. Special formats such as 'full' are recognized. They define a particular format string.

If the --json global flag is used, then --format is ignored and JSON is always emitted for every job. (default ".ID\t{{.Name}}")

Filters only jobs which have one of the names.

Filters only jobs which belong to this project.

Filters jobs with this status. Possible statuses: uploading, upload-failed, upload-cancelled, uploaded, submitted, active, completed, failed, cancelled, paused.

ccloud job list --project PROJ1 --project PROJ2
job pause--id (required)Render Job IDPauses a Chaos Cloud job.ccloud job pause --id=X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5
job rename

--id (required)

--title (required)

Render Job ID

The new title of the V-Ray Cloud job

Renames a Chaos Cloud job.ccloud job rename --id=X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5 --title="Marbles"
job submit

--sceneFile (required)


















Path to .vrscene file

Renders animation instead of a single shot

Path to color corrections file

Sets credit limit per job (still images only)

Frame range of the animation

Frame step of the animation

Height of the rendered image

Width of the rendered image

Ignore warnings in scene file processing

Name of the rendering job

Do not display progress while submitting

Preserve alpha channel of PNG output

Name of the rendering project

Render all cameras in the scene. Applicable for multi-camera scenes

String Path to a JSON file which describes a batch submit

Uploads the scene without rendering

Uploads a set of scenes, waits them to complete rendering and download the outputs

Submits a V-Ray scene to Chaos Cloud.

ccloud job submit --sceneFile="C:\Users\Me\Desktop\soccer.vrscene--project="Project Cloud" --width=1280 --height=720 --creditLimit 0.01

ccloud job submit --batchFile

"project": "Project Name",
"scenes": [
"path": "path/to/file.vrscene",
"name": "Example Job Name",
"creditLimit": 2
"path": "path/to/second/scene.vrscene",
"name": "Second Job",
"colorCorrections": "path/to/corrections/file",
"frameRange": "59-300",
"frameStep": 2,
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"onlyCPU": true,
"onlyUpload": true
"path": "path/to/third/simple.vrscene"
"layers": true

job resubmit

--id (required)













Render Job ID

Renders animation instead of a single shot

Path to color corrections file

Frame range of the animation

Frame step of the animation

Height of the rendered image

Width of the rendered image

Ignore warnings in scene file processing

Name of the rendering job

Do not display progress while submitting

Preserve alpha channel of PNG output

Name of the rendering project

Clones a job only with the frames that are not in a completed state (failed, canceled, paused)

Resubmits a V-Ray scene to Chaos Cloud.ccloud job resubmit --sceneFile="C:\Users\Me\Desktop\soccer.vrscene --project="Chaosology" --animation --frameRange=30 --ignoreWarnings
job start--id (required)Render Job IDStarts a V-Ray Cloud job.ccloud job start --id=X40YITIaqtb_94E
job status--id (required)Render Job IDPrints status info for a Chaos Cloud job. If an animation has uncompleted frames, it prints information about them, too. 
job report

--json (required)

--id (required)

Formats the data into a .json message.

The ID of the job, for which the report is generated. There can be multiple ID flags, depending on how many jobs need to be included in the report.

Fetches report information on specified jobs and formats it into a .json file.

--json job report --id X8hC6Xg2cb8JeL5 --id X40YITIaqtb_94E

project create

--name (required)


Name of the project

Marks the project as default

Creates a new project.ccloud project create --name="Cloudy" --default
project delete--name (required)Name of the projectDeletes a project.ccloud project delete --name="Drains"
project listLists available projects.ccloud project list
project rename

--name (required)

--to (required)

Name of the project

The new name of the project

Renames a Chaos Cloud project.ccloud project rename --name="Marbles" --to="Drains"
updateUpdates the Chaos Cloud client.ccloud update
versionPrints Chaos Cloud client version info.ccloud version

version check

Prints out if there is a newer version than the installed and/or if the current version is deprecated.ccloud version check
helpPrints command information.ccloud help; ccloud job help; ccloud job submit help

A 'batch' is a set of .vrscene files which are submitted at once. Individual settings for each file must be placed in the batch file itself. When used, the following flags are ignored:


How to Get a Job ID

The ID of a render job can be obtained in two ways:

  • from the Chaos Cloud's URL of the web interface when the Job Details page is open
  • upon submission, through а command line interface, as shown in the image below

For more information, see Submitting Render Jobs Through the Chaos Cloud application (command line).