This page contains information about Chaos Phoenix textures.


Phoenix provides several textures for use in simulations and rendering.


Grid Textures

Grid textures rely on the grid to generate a texture.

  • Grid Texture - Generates a procedural texture from a Simulator Grid for use in shading the simulation.
  • Grid Texture 2D - A simplified version of the Grid Texture.


Water Textures

Water textures are used with water effects to make them look more realistic.

  • Ocean Texture - A realistic, non-cyclic procedural texture for representing an ocean surface.
  • Foam Texture - Used with the Ocean Texture to create the effect of foam on cresting waves.

You can also use a Particle Shader to shade foam.


Particle Texture

Phoenix can generate WetMap particles that can be used along with the Particle Texture to emulate wet surfaces.

  • Particle Texture - A texture generated from a particle system by blending between sub-maps connected to each particle.