This page explains how to get the most out of Chaos Support, using the Cosmos Browser log file.


When you have a problem with Cosmos Browser, we recommend that you contact Chaos support and provide additional information, including the Cosmos Browser log file.
The log file contains important information which will help guide our support team to provide you with fast assistance without backtracks.

Find below information on where to find the log file.


  1. In Cosmos Browser, go to "" > About
  2. Click on the button Open next to the section "Open logs directory (cb.log)".
    This opens the directory where the Cosmos Browser log (cb.log) is stored.

    By default, this is located in (for Windows): C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos
    For macOS: /Library/ChaosGroup/ChaosCosmos/cb.log

  3. Copy the cb.log file and attach it to your support request.