This page provides information about the Bump node in V-Ray for Cinema 4D.



The Bump node allows adding bump map and normal map effects when using any material.

Connect the Bump node into a Material node to add additional bump or normal map functionality. Stacking multiple Bump nodes together can create a more complex surface material by allowing the use of several bump and or normal maps together easily.





Base Material  – Allows the user to select the base material, to which the bump/normal effect is added. 

Map Type – Allows the user to specify whether a bump map or a normal map effect is added to the base material.

Bump Map – Uses a bump map to determine the bump effect of the material.
Normal Map in Tangent Space – Uses a tangent normal map to determine the bump effect on the material.
Normal Map in Object Space – Uses an object space normal map to determine the bump effect on the material.
Normal Map in Screen Space – Uses a screen space normal map to determine the bump effect on the material.
Normal Map in World Space – Uses a world space normal map to determine the bump effect on the material.
From texture bump output – Uses the texture bump output to determine the bump effect on the material.
Explicit normal – Uses the mesh's set normal to determine the bump effect on the material.

Texture Map – Specifies the bump/normal texture node that is used.

Bump Multiplier – A multiplier for the bump/normal effect.

Bump Delta Scale – Scale for sampling the bitmap when using bump mapping. The exact value is calculated automatically by V-Ray, but can be scaled here.

Bump Shadows – When enabled, V-Ray considers the bump maps when rendering shadows, produced by objects with the bump material applied to them.






Material Id Enabled – Enables the use of Material ID.

Material ID – The color used by the Material ID render element. You can also use a shader here.

Multimatte ID – The integer ID of the material to be used by the Multi Matte render element.


Round Edges Enabled – Enables the round edges effect which uses bump mapping to smooth out the edges of the geometry during render time.

Radius – Specify a radius (in world units) for the Round Edges effect. Since the actual geometry is not being changed and only the normals of the faces are affected, large values may produce undesirable effects.

Consider Same Object Only – When enabled, the rounded corners are produced only along edges that belong to the object, which has the attribute applied. When disabled, rounded corners are also produced along edges formed when the object with the attribute intersects other objects in the scene.

Corners – Choose which edges are considered in the calculation. Possible options are:

Covex and Concave – Considers all edges.
Convex Only – Only applies Round Edges effect to edges with convex angles.
Concave Only – Only applies Round Edges effect to edges with concave angles.