This page provides information on the Phoenix FD Cache Converter tool.


The cache_converter command-line utility can convert already existing .aur or Field3D cache sequences to OpenVDB sequences without simulating.

In order to render them faster with Phoenix's shader or in the V-Ray VolumeGrid, you can also convert OpenVDB or Field3D cache sequences to .aur.

Using the Cache Converter, you can also strip away unused grid channels from .aur, OpenVDB or Field3D files, while converting them to .aur or OpenVDB.


Default Path: C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 20xx for x64\bin\cache_converter


Mandatory Arguments

-srcfile – Specifies the input .aur, .vdb or .f3d file(s) name or pattern. You can use "####" as a frame number and the files will be treated as a sequence.

-dstfile – Specifies the output .vdb or .aur file(s) name or pattern. You can use "####" as a frame number and the files will be treated as a sequence.



-help – Shows the available commands and the version of the tool.

-credits – Shows the copyright notices for the cache converter and used libraries. 

-start – Specifies the starting frame of the sequence. If it's not provided, the tool will automatically scan the directory and find the minimal index.

-end – Specifies the end frame of the sequence. If it's not provided, the tool will automatically scan the directory and find the maximal index.

-storagequality – Allows you to choose the compression quality of Grid and Particle data when the output -dstfile is .aur. Valid values are between 8 (max compression) and 20 (lossless). If not provided, default value is 14.

-exportchannels – Allows you to choose which channels to be written to the output -dstfile. Using this option, you can strip away unused channels from the cache files, reducing their size, and also making them faster to load. If not provided, all existing channels will be written.

The available channel names in .aur caches are as follows (note that names are case-sensitive):

You can also use these aliases for the 3 components of vector channels:

-silent – Don't show messages with the conversion progress.

