The irradiance map viewer can be used to view, merge, and save irradiance map files created by V-Ray.


The Irradiance Map viewer tool allows you to navigate around a 3D projected version of a scene to view where GI samples were taken during the rendering process.

The viewer is a separate program and does not require the V-Ray host application (Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, MODO, etc.) to be running.


By default, the installation of V-Ray for Cinema 4D installs the irradiance map viewer in the folder [ Program Files ]\Maxon Cinema 4D R23\plugins\V-Ray\tools. A shortcut to the irradiance map viewer can be found within Start menu > Chaos Group > Irradiance map viewer.

Windows: start the imapviewer executable from C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D Rnn\plugins\V-Ray\tools

macOS: start the imapviewer executable from Applications/Maxon Cinema 4D Rnn/plugins/V-Ray/tools

Note: nn is the Cinema 4D version.