This page provides information on the V-Ray Tools available in Cinema 4D. For further information on any tool, click on its thumbnail.

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UI Path: V-Ray menu > Tools


Light Lister

Handy way to modify many common attributes of all the lights in the scene.

Make Shadow Catcher

Quickly turn any object into an invisible shadow catcher. Useful for adding realism.

Bake Object

Create texture maps based on an object's appearance in the rendered scene.

Convert Materials

Convert Classic to Node materials and vice versa.

Convert V-Ray 3 Scene

This tool converts old scenes created with previous V-Ray versions into functioning V-Ray scenes.

V-Ray Toolbar

This tool provides a palette with shortcuts to some of the most commonly used V-Ray components.

Download Cosmos Assets

Download and relink missing cosmos assets in your scene.

Additional Tools

Standalone tools and utilities that come installed with V-Ray for Cinema 4D.