This section contains links to Geometry objects and tools in V-Ray for Revit.


V-Ray for Revit adds a number of geometry objects and tools for use.

Geometry objects and tools are available from a number of places in the user interface. Each of the V-Ray geometry types has their respective icon.

Creation of geometry is available from two places in the Asset Editor: the Create Asset button and the Geometry category icon (top). If the Geometry category is empty, left-clicking the icon prompts you to create a new asset. Otherwise, it selects the category in which case, right-click opens the creation menu.

The Asset creation dropdown lists remain active when the Ctrl key is held, allowing the creation of multiple assets in quick succession. The Asset creation dropdown lists can be activated via the Create Asset button or the Asset Category icons. 

Geometries are assigned n the Material and Families tabs of the Appearance Manager.

UI Paths


Creating a geometry:

||Asset Editor|| > Geometries (right click)

||Asset Editor|| > Create Asset > Geometries

Assigning a geometry:

||Appearance Manager|| > Materials Tab > click on V-Ray icon menu

||Appearance Manager|| > Families Tab > click on V-Ray icon menu


||Revit Ribbon|| >  V-Ray  tab > Assets panel >  Place Decal  button >  On Level / On Face









Fur and Displacement geometries are assigned in the Materials Tab, while Proxy Mesh and Proxy Scene are assigned in the Families Tab.

In the Appearance Manager, materials that have geometry assignments are indicated with a grey dot in the list.

After an item is selected from the list, at the bottom of the Appearance Manager panel there is an icon indicator which serves to enable/disable that particular assignment. Hovering over it, displays the asset name in a tooltip.

You can also drag-and-drop a V-Ray asset onto an asset in the Appearance manager panel. 


Virtual Geometry

V-Ray provides a number of tools that create geometry loaded only at render time, that does not weigh to the project.



Displacement mapping is a technique for adding detail to geometric objects without having to model it first.


The Fur option creates a simple procedural fur at render time. It is commonly used for simulating grass cover or textile fibers.

Proxy Mesh

The Proxy Mesh imports geometry from an external mesh, which only loads the full details at render time. The geometry is not present in the model and does not take any resources.

Proxy Scene

The Proxy Scene imports a .vrscene file as a proxy. Containing geometry, materials and lights, these files are render-ready and are fully loaded only at render time too.


The V-Ray Scatter creates instances of objects using the surface of another objects to generate points.


The V-Ray Scatter creates instances of objects using the surface of another objects to generate points.