This page provides information on the Resimulation rollout for a LiquidSim object.


Liquid Resimulation uses an already simulated cache sequence and allows you to add, delete or modify the Splash, Mist, Foam or Wetmap particle systems. It will preserve the Liquid and the particle systems you are happy with.

The particle resimulation will affect only the particle systems which are checked in this rollout. If a particle system is not checked, it will remain unchanged. The Liquid always remains unchanged. While the Fire/Smoke Resimulation creates new cache files during the simulation process, the Liquid Resimulation overwrites the existing cache files.

Using Resimulation to just modify a particle system is practical only in case you have a large number of secondary particles such as Foam, Splash, etc in relation to the number of Liquid particles. If you have mostly Liquid particles and very few other particles, it will be faster to just simulate again.

 The Affect Liquid parameter on the Splash and Mist rollout will be ignored when resimulating Splash, because the liquid is already simulated and cannot be changed without a full simulation.

You can resimulate over the resimulated caches and so on - it's not necessarily just 2 passes at most. 

Select Resimulation → Enable Particle Resimulation and select the respective particle system below (ie. Splash and Mist, Foam or Wetting).

Modify the particle system's settings - e.g. for Foam, go to the Foam rollout and tweak the parameters there.

Hit Start to run the simulation again - repeat this process until you are happy with the result.

Select Resimulation → Enable Particle Resimulation and select the respective particle system below (ie. Splash and Mist, Foam or Wetting).

Make sure the particle system's simulation is Enabled, e.g. for Foam open the Foam rollout → select the Enable option.

Hit Start to run the simulation again - the particle system will be added to the cache sequence.

Select Resimulation → Enable Particle Resimulation and select the respective particle system below (ie. Splash and Mist, Foam or Wetting).

Make sure the particle system's simulation is Disabled, e.g. for Foam open the Foam rollout → deselect the Enable option.

Hit Start to run the simulation again - the particle system will be removed from the cache sequence.



UI Path: ||Select Liquid Simulator | LiquidSim object|| > Modify panel > Resimulation rollout




Enable Particle Resimulation | resim_resimulate_particles – Enables the resimulation.

Splash and mist | resim _splash – Specifies that the splash and mist will be recalculated.

The Affect Liquid parameter on the Splash and Mist rollout will be ignored when resimulating Splash, because the liquid is already simulated and cannot be changed without a full simulation.

Foam | resim _foam – Specifies that the foam will be recalculated.

Wetting | resim _wet – Specifies that a WetMap will be recalculated.

The Sticky Effect setting for Wetting in the Liquid rollout will be ignored when resimulating wetting. This is because the liquid is already simulated and cannot be changed without a full simulation.

? – Opens up the help documents for the Liquid Resimulation process.