This page provides information about the V-Ray Exporter component in V-Ray for Grasshopper.


The V-Ray Exporter component exports the current scene to a .vrscene or .vrmesh file. The component must be connected to a V-Ray Render component and a valid output file must be set.

Right-click on the component opens a list of export options. Some of them are available only when a Timeline is connected to the V-Ray Render component.

Show Controls - Provides an output file component connected to the exporter. Specifying a valid output file is required for the V-Ray Exporter to work.

Auto Export - when enabled, an export is triggered on any change to the scene.

 Export – Exports a Proxy Mesh (.vrmesh) or a V-Ray Scene (.vrscene).

Export Animation - Exports an animation as a single animated Proxy Mesh or V-Ray Scene file. This function is disabled when there is no animation in the scene.

Export Sequence - Exports an animation as a sequence of V-Ray Scene (vrscene) files, each corresponding to an individual frame. This function is disabled when there is no animation in the scene or if the Output File is a vrmesh.

Open - Opens the specified output file at its designated location.

Currently, animated object creation or deletion is not exported correctly. Every animated object should exist throughout the entire sequence. Mesh faces, on the other hand, can be modified, deleted, or created dynamically.

Note that .vrmesh files do not store lights, camera, render settings, or material data. They contain only geometry data and face IDs.

If there is a Timeline connected to the V-Ray Render component, the Export option produces a file based on the current frame while the Export Animation includes the entire Timeline animation. 

Right-click on the component to see more options.

Input Parameters

Scene (Generic Data) – This is the scene input slot. A V-Ray Render's Scene is expected here. 

Output File (Text) – Specifies the output file location and type. Select .vrscene for a scene export and .vrmesh for a proxy mesh export.


Download the GH definition here.


  • VRscene files exported from V-Ray 3.6 for Grasshopper cannot be rendered with the Next version of V-Ray Standalone, V-Ray for Rhino or V-Ray for Grasshopper. There are two workarounds available:
    • Open the .gh scheme(s) and re-export the .vrscene files using V-Ray Next;
    • Manually edit each affected .vrscene file.
  • Exporting animated object generation or deletion in a proxy mesh (.vrmesh) is currently not supported. Make sure that all scene objects exist throughout the entire sequence.