This page provides information on the V-Ray Bercon Wood Texture.


The V-Ray Bercon Wood Texture map can be used to generate a procedural wood texture. It uses three customer colors or texture maps, and gives a choice of four wood pattern types.



Color 1 – Specifies the choice of color for the dark color used by the texture.

Color 2 – Specifies the choice of color for the light color used by the texture.


Lock to Color 2 – When enabled, sets the Grain Color to be the same as Color 2.

Grain – Specifies the color of the wood grain produced by the V-Ray Wood procedural texture. This channel can be either driven by a value or a texture.

Amount – Specifies the amount of the grain produced in the texture.

Freq – Specifies the frequency of the grain produced in the texture.


Use Distortion – When a texture map is connected to this channel, it distorts the V-Ray Bercon Wood texture depending on the texture map.

Distortion Strength – Solid colors have no effect and the more contrast in the connected texture, the more visible the distortion is.


Use Curve Input – When enabled, calculated blend amount is transformed by the Bezier curve.


Seed – The seed value used to generate the procedural texture. Changing this value gives different variations in the pattern.

Wood Type – Specifies the pattern of the wood type. Choose from Radial WoodPerlin WoodSimplex Wood, and Linear WoodFor more information, see the Wood Types example below.


Size – Specifies the procedural texture's size.  

Low – Specifies the amount of large feature details.

High – Specifies the amount of smaller feature details.

Skew – Specifies how Color 1 and Color 2 are blended between different "age rings" of the wood.

Width Var – Specifies the amount of width variety in the width of the wood grain.

Gain Var – Specifies the amount of gain variety in the width of the wood grain.

Trunk Wobble

Strength – Specifies the strength of the Trunk.

Freq – Specifies the frequency of the Trunk wobble.

Radial Noise

Strength – Specifies the strength of the radial distortion.

Freq – Specifies the frequency of the radial distortion.

Z Freq – Specifies the radial z frequency of the radial distortion.

Angular Noise

Strength – Specifies the strength of the angular noise.

Freq – Specifies the frequency of the angular noise.

Radius – Specifies the radius of the angular noise produced.


Super Sampling – Specifies samples used for super sampling the produced texture.

Camera Space – Enables calculations in camera space.

Color Tweaks

Default Color – Specifies the color when there are no valid UVW coordinates.

Mult – Specifies a multiplier for the texture color.

Offset – Color corrects the texture by adding the RGB color values specified here to the RGB color values in the texture.

Invert – When enabled, the resulting texture color is inverted.

Alpha Tweaks

Source – Specifies the alpha source from AlphaColor, and Opaque.

Use – Differentiates between textures exported from different applications. You can choose between Color Intensity (3ds Max) and Color Luminance (Maya).

Mult – Specifies a multiplier for the texture alpha.

Offset – Specifies an additional offset for the texture alpha.

Invert – When enabled, the resulting texture alpha is inverted, too. If disabled, just the color is inverted.


Placement Type – Specifies the way the valid portion of the texture is applied. The options are FullCrop, and Place.

U/V – Specifies the U/V coordinates of the valid texture sector.

– Specifies the width of the valid texture sector.

– Specifies the height of the valid texture sector.

Jitter – Specifies the amount of random placement variation.

Tile U – When enabled, there is horizontal tiling.

Tile V – When enabled, there is vertical tiling.

UV Noise

Enabled – Enables the UV noise.

Amount – Specifies the UV noise amount.

Levels – Specifies the UV noise iterations.

Size – Specifies the UV noise size.

Animated – When enabled, the noise is animated.

Phase – Specifies the UV noise phase.

Example: Wood Types

Radial Wood

Perlin Wood

Simplex Wood

Linear Wood


The Bercon Maps were originally developed by Jerry Ylilammi ( ) as open-source plug-ins for 3ds Max. Source code ported to V-Ray Standalone by Chaos Software Ltd.