This page provides information on the V-Ray UVWGenEnvironment node.


The V-Ray UVWGenEnvironment node allows you to use Environment mapping within the Mat Network.


Mapping Type – Specifies the mapping type to use from the following:

Mirror Ball 

Horizontal Flip – Enables or disables horizontal flipping.

Vertical Flip – Enables or disables vertical flipping.

Horizontal/ Vertical Rotation – Rotates the map horizontally/vertically.

Texture Rotation

Wrap U / V / W – Specifies a wrapping mode for U / V / W from the following:

No Wrapping 
Mirror Tile

Crop U / V / W – Enables or disables cropping in the U / V / W direction.

DUVW Scale – Specifies an additional scale factor for the texture derivatives.

Ground – Enables or disables the ground plane option.

Ground Radius – When Ground is enabled, this specifies the radius of the ground.

Ground Position – When Ground is enabled, this specifies the coordinates for the ground.