This page provides information on the Spot Light in Unreal.




A Spot Light emits light from a single point in a cone shape. Users are given two cones to shape the light - the Inner Cone Angle and the Outer Cone Angle. Within the Inner Cone Angle, the light achieves full brightness. As you go from the extent of the inner radius to the extents of the Outer Cone Angle, a falloff takes place, creating a penumbra, or softening around the Spot Light's disc of illumination. For any additional information, see the Unreal Spot Light documentation.



UI Path


||Modes Tab|| > Lights > Spot Light




Spot Light Properties

When rendering with V-Ray the following parameters are supported:



Intensity – The total energy that the light emits.

Light Color – The color that the light emits.t

Inner Cone Angle – Sets the inner cone angle of the Spot Light, in degrees.

Outer Cone Angle – Sets the outer cone angle of the Spot Light, in degrees.

Affects World – When enabled (the default), the light contributes to the lighting in the level. Disabling it will stop the contribution of the light in the environment.

Cast Shadows – When enabled (the default), the light casts shadows. Turn this option off to disable shadow casting for the light.

Use Inverse Squared Falloff – Specifies whether to use the physically based inverse squared distance falloff.




Light Profiles

IES Texture - The IES Texture used for the light profile. IES files are in ASCII data format, and although Unreal represents them as textures, they are not image files.


In 4.19 you will not have perfect visual parity between viewport and render when you use IES lights.


In 4.19 you have Intensity Units in your lights. Make sure when you create an Unreal light to change its type to Unitless.