This page gives an overview of the Render Elements available in V-Ray that contain lighting information.


Section Contents

Page Contents



V-Ray Lighting Render Elements provide a comprehensive set of individual channels, each containing a separate component of lighting from the scene. Each element can be individually adjusted during the compositing phase, to change the Beauty pass as desired without the need for re-rendering. 

The Lighting Render Elements are:

  • Lighting - Stores direct lighting information from lights in the scene, including the diffuse contribution.
  • Light Select - Stores direct lighting information from user-selected lights in the scene; can also be limited to the light's raw, diffuse, or specular contribution.
  • Raw Lighting (Light Raw) - Stores the effects of direct lighting on scene objects without the diffuse contribution.
  • Total Lighting (Light Total) - Stores the effects of both direct and indirect lighting on materials in the scene, including the diffuse contribution.
  • Raw Total Lighting (Light Raw Total) - Stores the sum of both direct and indirect lighting in the scene without the diffuse contribution.



Render Element Examples



Lighting Render Element


Raw Lighting (Light Raw) Render Element


Light Select Render Element




Total Lighting (Light Total) Render Element


Raw Total Lighting (Light Raw Total) Render Element







  • Lighting can be be added or subtracted at a composite level using Lighting Render Elements.

  • Lighting can be color corrected.

  • When using the light select render element, lights can effectively be turned on and off at a composite level without re-rendering.