The Camera clipping tab is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.

Camera clipping

Enabled – When enabled, scattering is limited only to the camera view, and instances that are not visible are clipped away. It is an optimization - it may improve scene parsing performance and lower memory requirements, however, it can cause missing reflections/shadows. To compensate for this, you can use the Extend View parameter.

Mode – Allows to select between different camera clipping methods.

Render Camera – Clips the instances based on the active camera view used for rendering. The clipping is visible in the viewport only when the clipping parameters are changed or if Interactive Rendering is running. This is because, otherwise, the clipping would be too intrusive during regular scene work.
Selected Camera – Uses a selected camera for the clipping. Тhe clipping is always visible.

Camera – Determines which camera to use, when the clipping mode is set to Selected Camera.

Extend View – Specifies a uniform extension to the camera view in all directions, in centimeters. Adds an extra zone beyond the camera view and behind the camera, where the instances are not clipped. This is useful for ensuring correct shadows or reflections from instances that would otherwise be clipped.

Near/Far clipping – When enabled, allows using the Near and Far Distance parameters to control the camera clipping extension.

Near Distance – Specifies the near threshold distance from the camera, in centimeters. Instances closer than this distance are clipped away.

Far Distance – Specifies the far threshold distance from the camera, in centimeters. Instances farther than this value are clipped away.

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Config Tab

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Surface Scattering Tab