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The parameters in this rollout control the representation of the fluids in the viewport. All enabled values are drawn if the content is within the specified range. 

UI Text Box

UI Path: ||Select Liquid Simulator | LiquidSim object|| > Modify panel > Preview rollout




Read Cache for Preview | prv_read_cache – Allows to completely disable reading of cache files in order to speed up the viewport and the simulation. When cache files are not read, neither voxels and particles, nor the grid bounding box or the Cache File Content under the Simulation rollout will be shown. This way scrolling the timeline would be quick as there will be no access to hard disk or the network. If you still need to see the grid bounding box and the Cache File Content info, you could leave this option to Always, and instead disable all voxel preview options, the Mesh PreviewGPU Preview and all particle previews. The intended use for this parameter is as a last step performance optimization - once you're done tweaking your setup and you're ready to commit to a high-resolution, overnight simulation, disable the preview of cache files.


Show Box | showgrid – Shows the bounding box of the simulator. The green outline is drawn based on the settings in the Grid roll-out rollout while the red outline displays the bounds of the currently loaded cache file, if it exists.


UI Text Box

Phoenix FD can only preview the channels present in the cache file for the current frame. To see the list of available channels and their ranges, go to the Cache File Content section of the Simulation roll-out rollout. You can also find more info on the Grid Channel Ranges page.

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Only the Overlap Of: | prv_and – When enabled, shows only the cells where the following selected channels overlap.

Liquid | prv_temperature,


prv_t_threshold, prv_t_threshold2, prv_t_color, prv_t_color2 – Enables the representation of the liquid channel.

Velocity | prv_velocity, prv_v_threshold, prv_v_threshold2, prv_v_color, prv_v_color2 – Enables the representation of the velocity channel.

Velocity Streamlines viewVelStreamlines, viewVelStreamlinesThreshold, viewVelStreamlinesThreshold2, viewVelStreamlinesColor, viewVelStreamlinesColor2 – Traces the velocity field of the cache files to generate a streamline preview.

As Rainbow | viewVelStreamlinesColorCurve – Represents the Velocity Streamlines in rainbow colors.

Lines Length | viewVelStreamlinesMaxIterations – Signifies the maximum length of each streamline in the preview. Adjusting the value will provide you with a guide/preview of the velocity field's motionThe Line's length is measured in voxels and at the lowest setting, the Streamliens will be no larger than a voxel.

Viscosity | prv_viscosity, prv_visc_color1, prv_visc_color2, prv_visc_threshold1, prv_visc_threshold2 - Enables the representation of the viscosity channel.

Special | prv_smoke, prv_smoke_threshold, prv_smoke_threshold2, prv_smoke_color, prv_smoke_color2 – Enables the representation of special channels. 

Forcesprv_forcesprv_f_thresholdprv_f_threshold2prv_f_colorprv_f_color2, prv_force_list – Enables preview of how Phoenix forces or standard 3ds Max forces will affect the simulation. 

RGB | prv_uvw, prv_uvw_threshold, prv_uvw_threshold2 – Enables the representation of the RGB channel. 

Auto Range | prv_autorange – When enabled, automatically adjusts the preview ranges of visible channels for the current frame so that important data is always visible and the preview is always quick.


Auto prv_prt_awspeed_face – When enabled, automatically calculates the preview White Speed based on the Min/Max range of the selected Scale Color By channel, assuming the respective channel export has been enabled in the Output roll-out for  rollout for the selected particle system.


Slice Level | prv_sect_lvl – Specifies the offset of the slice from the bottom center of the grid in voxels. 

