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When [ Edit Condition... ] – Opens the Edit Condition window. The Edit Condition window is used to construct a sequence of tests which are evaluated for every particle of the Phoenix FD Simulator, at each simulation Step. If the particle satisfies the condition, the selected Then actions are performed - Delete ParticleChange Particle Channel or Affect By Forces. Otherwise, the particle is ignored. By default, the condition is set to "Age > 1.000", therefore only those particles whose age is greater than one will be affected by the specified action. Time Scale below  different than 1 will affect the Particle Age used by the Particle Tuners. In order to get predictable results you will have to adjust the buildup time using this formula: Time Scale * Time in frames / Frames per second See the Particle Channel Ranges page for more information on the channel ranges.


Delete Particletun_act_op_del – When the condition of the Tuner passes for a particle, it will be deleted. If this action is selected, Change Particle Channel and Affect By Forces will have no effect. Note that this is superior to the Clear Inside option from the PhoenixFD Chaos Phoenix Per-Node Properties because it can also work for particles outside the simulation grid.


UI Text Box

If the Buildup Time is set to 0, the specified Action will be executed for every step of the simulation. If the Steps per Frame parameter of the Simulator is set to a value higher than 1, the specified Action will be executed multiple times for a single frame.

Time Scale below  different than 1 will affect the Buildup Time of Particle Tuners. In order to get predictable results you will have to adjust the buildup time using this formula:
Time Scale * Time in frames / Frames per second
