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This page provides information on the PhoenixFDOceanTexPhoenix Ocean Texture.



PhoenixFDOceanTex is The Phoenix Ocean Texture is an infinite non-cyclic procedural texture for displacing a water surface. It produces a realistic ocean-like appearance and can be created from the Material Editor.



. It can be used in several different ways:

  • After simulating a Phoenix container, it can be displaced at render time to add wave detail. Phoenix can be in Ocean MeshCap MeshMesh or Isosurface Render mode and the Ocean Texture can be plugged into the Phoenix Rendering rollout's Displacement, so you'd get infinite ocean mesh or an editable displaced mesh in the viewport.
  • Any non-Phoenix mesh can be displaced with ocean waves at render time using V-Ray Displacement.
  • If you need to add foam details to your displaced ocean at render time without simulating, you can use a Phoenix Foam Texture for the diffuse color of the ocean material and plug a Phoenix Ocean Texture in the Foam Texture.
  • If you need real simulated waves interacting with a geometry, instead of just a render time displacement, you can plug the Ocean Texture into a Wave Force and use it to drive your Phoenix simulation


  • .

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titleUI Path: ||Material Editor window|| > Material/Map Browser > Maps > PhoenixFD > PhoenixFDOceanTex





Vector modeMode | vector – When – When disabled, normal displacement is used for the output format. When enabled, vector displacement is used . Make sure that the Phoenix simulator or modifiers using PhoenixFDOceanTex use the same displacement mode. and in order to the Ocean Texture to be compatible with the V-Ray Displacement in Tangent mode, X and Y of the texture are centered around 0.5, while Z is centered around 0.0. For more information on vector displacement and normal displacement, see the Vector Mode example.

UI Text Box

When using this texture with the V-Ray Displacement Modifier, please expand its Texmap min/max limits in order to avoid clamping. If the Ocean Texture is in Vector Mode, please use 3D mapping and set Vector displ to Tangent in the V-Ray Displacement. Otherwise, you should use 2D mapping.

 Control by Wind Speed Control by wind speed | usewind,wind – When enabled, creates physically accurate waves. When disabled, waves are controlled by user-controlled values. When enabled, the wave height and speed are accurately calculated according to the wind speed. When disabled, wave height and speed are directly set by the Wave height and Velocity Height and Rate of Change parameters.

Level of detailDetail | lod – Controls the amount of detail in the texture. This is similar to the Levels parameter in a standard noise texture. Larger values will produce more pronounced and richer details.

Wave heightHeight | rgbmult – Controls the amplitude of the waves. When Control by wind speedWind Speed is enabled, this value is a multiplier of the amplitude. When Control by wind speed is Wind Speed is disabled, this value is the final wave height measured in system units.

Vertical offsetOffset rgboffset – Introduces an additional shift to the displacement.

Sharpnesssharpness – Controls the definition of the wave crest peaks. When using with V-Ray Displacement, keep in mind that when Vector modeMode is enabled, adjusting the Amount parameter of a V-Ray Displacement Modifier will affect the resulting sharpness. To  To avoid this scenario, use only the Wave heightHeight parameter in this rollout to control displacement and not the the Amount parameter  parameter in the V-Ray Displacement Modifier.

Velocity coherenceCoherence | velcoh – Controls the degree of variation in wave direction. When this value is set to 1, all waves will move in the same direction, as they do in coastal areas. When set to 0, all waves will move in random directions, as they might in the open seas.

Seed | seed – The initialization point for the random generator. Changing this value changes the randomization of the waves. In the event of multiple PhoenixFDOceanTex textures Ocean Textures in a scene, use different Seed values to make each texture look different.

Wave crestCrest crest – Adjusts the heights of the waves' crests. For the most realistic results, use smaller values to create short crests when the Velocity coherenceCoherence is low and larger values for bigger crest when the Velocity coherenceCoherence is high.For more information, see the Wave Crest example below.


Rate of Change | velmult – Controls the speed of the waves. When Control by wind speedWind Speed is enabled, this is a multiplier. When Control by wind speedWind Speed is disabled, this directly sets the velocity in system units per second.
