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This page covers the various environment variables for use in V-Ray Standalone.




There are some environment variables that affect the operation of V-Ray. Some of these variables are universally used by V-Ray Standalone and application specific installations of V-Ray, while some of them are pertinent to V-Ray Standalone only. The variables that are valid for V-Ray Standalone only are marked with (standalone).


UI Text Box

With V-Ray Next, the _x64 suffix for environment variables is no longer used. However, using the _x64 suffix will still work as a fall-back, but it will print a warning.

See the Getting Started with Environment Variables page for practical examples to get you started.



VRAY_AUTH_CLIENT_FILE_PATH – Points to the folder containing the vrlclient.xml file that contains the V-Ray license server settings (IP address and port number).

VRAY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT – The timeout duration (in milliseconds) when connecting to the license server.


Command Line


VRAY_CMD_PREFIX  (standalone) – Specifies command-line options for V-Ray standalone which are prepended to the actual command line.

VRAY_CMD_SUFFIX  (standalone) – Specifies command line options that are appended to the actual command line.

Input Files


VRAY_PATH_REMAP_FILEPATH – Specifies a path to an XML file with path remapping data. This environment variable is an alternative to the -remapPathFile flag.  See the V-Ray Standalone Command Line Options page for more information. Example file:

Code Block

Asset Caching


Asset caching environment variables can be used for assets transfer when distributed rendering.


VRAYSL_LOG_FILE_PATH (standalone) – Specifies the path to the log file for DR rendering (the temp folder is used if not set). 

VFB Control


VRAY_VFB_SRGB (standalone) – When set to 1 , the sRGB button of the V-Ray VFB is automatically switched on. When set to 2, the sRGB button of the V-Ray VFB is switched off.


VRAY_VFB_GLOBAL_PRESET_FILE_USE – When set to 1, the VFB uses the specified Globals preset file.  .

VRAY_VFB_OCIO – If set to 1, the OCIO button of the V-Ray VFB is automatically switched on. If set to 2, the OCIO button of the V-Ray VFB is switched off.

VRAY_VFB_OCIO_INPUT_COLORSPACE – Specifies default overriding input OCIO color space. A default OCIO configuration can be specified by the OCIO environment variable.

VRAY_VFB_OCIO_DISPLAY_DEVICE – Specifies default overriding OCIO display device. A default OCIO configuration can be specified by the OCIO environment variable.

VRAY_VFB_OCIO_VIEW_TRANSFORM – Specifies default overriding OCIO view transform. A default OCIO configuration can be specified by the OCIO environment variable.

titleVRAY_VFB_OCIO Exapmles...
Code Block

Distributed Rendering


VRAY_DR_CONTROLPORT (standalone) – Specifies the port number used for distributed rendering. Note that in V-Ray 3.0 this environment variable is used only if you specify 0 for the port number. If this environment variable is also missing, port 20204 is used, as that is the default value set for V-Ray for 3ds Max.


VRAY_VRSCENE_LOCATION – When set on a machine that is used as a render server during distributed rendering, this variable specifies the path to store the temporary .vrscene file. The default user temp directory is used when this variable is not set.


Ray Differentials

VRAY_USE_NORMAL_DIFFERENTIALS  – When set to  1 , V-Ray will use the surface curvature when calculating ray differentials for secondary rays for reflection, refraction, and GI. This is typically useful with tiled OpenEXR and TIFF textures, as it will produce a more accurate estimate for the required mip-map level (which otherwise might be overestimated resulting in a more detailed level being loaded than is really necessary).




VRAY_GPU_PLATFORMS Specifies the CUDA devices to be used for V-Ray GPU rendering. This variable is automatically set when a device is selected using the external tool provided with the V-Ray installation ocldeviceselect.exe. If the variable is not set, all available devices will be used. The syntax allows a case insensitive pattern matching of any value to a device name, vendor, type and its index. More than one values can be specified by separating them with a semi-column.
