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  • None - Disables the Discharge Modifier.
  • Random – A random number in the interval [0,1] will be assigned to each voxel of the emitter.
  • Position X/Y/Z – The coordinates of the voxel will be used. In Grid space, the coordinates inside the simulator will be used and will be normalized to the interval [0,1]. In Object space, the coordinates inside the geometric object will be used and will be normalized to the interval [0,1]. 
  • Normal X/Y/Z – The surface normals of the geometry will be used in the interval [-1,+1]. Note that this will always return 0 if the emitter is a particle system.
  • Velocity X/Y/Z – The velocity of the emitter's voxel will be used. This will work when the emitters are particles, meshes and shapes, and in case of meshes and shapes will work for any translating, rotating, scaling, and rigged geometries, as the velocity of each voxel of these geometries will be calculated by Phoenix and used by the Discharge Modifier. Note that this value may vary from several hundred to over a thousand and can be negative depending on the velocity's direction. The velocity is in the scale of the selected Space - in Grid space it will be in voxels/sec, and in World or Object space it will be in world/object units per second.
  • Speed – The speed of the emitter's voxel will be used. This will work when the emitters are particles, meshes and shapes, and in case of meshes and shapes will work for any translating, rotating, scaling, and rigged geometries, as the velocity of each voxel of these geometries will be calculated by Phoenix and used by the Discharge Modifier. Note that unlike Velocity X/Y/Z which is a direction broken down to the X, Y and Z components, Speed is the total velocity amount and is always positive. The speed is in the scale of the selected Space - in Grid space it will be in voxels/sec, and in World or Object space it will be in world/object units per second.
  • Particle Age – The age of each emitting particle will be used. Note  Note that this will work only when you emit fluid from particle systems. It will always return 0 for when emitting from meshes and shapes and is valid only when emitting from particle systems. This value maps along the X diagram axis from 0 and is always positive.
  • Particle Size – The size of each emitting particle will be used. Note that this will work only when you emit fluid from particle systems. It will always return 0 for when emitting from meshes and shapes and is valid only when emitting from particle systems. This . This value maps along the X diagram axis from 0 and is always positive. The size is in the scale of the selected Space - in Grid space it will be in voxels, and in World or Object space it will be in world/object units.
